Thursday, February 18, 2010

E Journal 2 Brian Kane: NETS IV and V

Brad M. Maguth, BM, & Elliott, JE. (2010). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective . Iste online journal, Retrieved from
This Journal was on Podcasting, podcasting is using the internet and technology to reach wider opportunities. With the world in some people minds in serious distress, a podcast can reach more than just their local town. The podcast can reach around the world. This class in Ohio took the idea of global warming and made a movie or a podcast. This class took the idea of Meet the Press and made a educational script. These class mates took six of the most people in the world with the most influence on global warming. After doing the research on what the thought these people might say and do on a Meet the Press. These students made a script and had the audio done like it was a real Meet the Press. Using technology these students from Ohio could reach the world with their podcast.
Question 1.Should more schools develop a podcast system in their schools. The assignment was an authentic learning experience in that it allowed students to showcase a degree of depth on an important global issue, led them to be well informed on multiple perspectives, and gave them a chance to discuss current global issues. (Brad M. Maguth, & Elliott, 2010)
Question 2.Will technology help students in the world be more aware of the global diversity in the future. At a science, technology, engineering, and math high school in Columbus, Ohio, we are using digital technologies such as podcasting to engage students in learning about other cultures. Podcasting not only allows students the opportunity to interact with digital technologies, it also allows students to apply what they know and reach a wider, even global audience. Having an authentic audience via the Internet motivates students and encourages them to appreciate culturally diverse perspectives. (Brad M. Maguth, & Elliott, 2010)

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